2023 - We're baaaaack

Where does the time go?
We're excited to be back in effect this season with all the Halloween happenings for CNY!
Between deaths in the family, to Covid-19, to the frustration of being "shadow-banned" somehow on Facebook, we've had a rough past few years.
In 2021 we quickly realized our Facebook posts weren't being seen. We tried to contact Zuck's minions with no luck , and the only useful response we received, was a cryptic suggestion that someone could have complained about our contests. Whether it was a poor-sport Haunt, or a contest loser (yes, thats what you call someone who whines when they don't win), we can't say. Either way, it took the wind out of our sails. We only really do this for fun. We've made a few advertising dollars over the years, and hopefully delivered plenty of traffic for those who suported us... But all in all, it's all about the love of Halloween. It takes time to make goofy graphics and sit on facebook pretending to be a king of Halloween.
I digress. This season, we're back.
We'll be updating Haunt Listings and revamping things over the coming weeks so you and yours can enjoy all the amazing fall-time fun CNY has to offer! Stay Tuned my Halloweenies!