Review: CMC Haunted House 2019- Phobia

By Octoberic
Ok, children. Grab your butt and plant it in a safe space because we've got a little story to tell.
Up around Syracuse in the nice place called Cicero there sits a dance studio called CMC Dance, and they do some awesome stuff. Just imagine for a sec how good they are.
"Oh, how good are they Mr. Octoberic"?
Well, Heck, they're heading to nationals in Myrtle Beach, SC. Yeah, that good.
Now consider this. They do a haunted house. Even more to consider is that, though I've never seen them dance, I'm thinking it's good. I mean, if it's half as good as their haunted house they're awesome. Forget that reality TV. It's a waste of time. Instead, slide on over to CMC Dance for a stroll through their presentation of Phobias.
"Is it scary Mr. Octoberic"?
Yeah, it's scary. It's bone chilling. It's phobiastic.
This group of dancers and parents take a healthy serving of our inner most phobias and twist it with some mainstream big screen classics and put that shizzy stuff right in your face. From Hannibal the Cannibal to Georgie and that kid that lost his head, CMC brings it to life, death, and someplace in between.

Never have I ever witnessed such a combination in one place. They pull it off to perfection.
I'll admit, I wasn't sure what to expect because last years was just so darn good, but hey knocked my socks off, our socks, his socks, and her socks. Our entire group was on their toes and amazed throughout. The blood was pumping for sure... Thank God for Lisinopril (not a joke)!!!
This haunted house is well worth the money. You can even enjoy some snacks, one of three fires, and a movie while you wait. Who knew peeing your pants, losing a head, getting chased by that guy with that power tool, and coming face to face with.... umm.... everyone would be so awesome.
Did I say that already? Gimme an A.... Gimme a W.... Gimme an E.... Gimme an S....
You get my point.
So, to Marj, Dave, and the amazing team of 30 plus families, job well done. We will be back. A+++++ haunt.
Check out all the details on CMC's Haunted House in their Scarycuse listing here!