A New Home for Cayo Industrial Horror Realm

One of the CNY's favorite indoor Haunted Attractions has a new home for 2019.
Utica's well known Cayo Industrial Horror Realm has moved. Now in Rome, NY, it's slightly closer to Syracuse.
"Cayo now sits underneath the illuminated Rome water tower beacon near the harbor. FREE PARKING is available along Mill street and near the Harbor pavilion. Once you are near, make your way to the tower and red Cayo sign...Your experience then awaits you."
NEW ATTRACTION: OZONE A compilation of Cayo’s past attractions into an extensive labyrinth.
Admission: $25
While we'll miss some of the awesome scene's at the old Cayo (the Hospital hallway, the cage etc.), we really look forward to seeing what's in store with all of the amazing attractions Cayo offered now being merged into one attraction. How long will it be?
Cayo's past attractions were advertised as being 15-20 minutes in length, which is probably a general estimate. In our experience, on a busy night, attractions can go a bit faster at an attraction. Being a little closer to the 'cuse may pull more people to Cayo's attraction. Distance can be a hard pill to swallow for folks, considering the drive, and a wait-time in line. A single, longer attraction without the need to wait in multiple lines sounds like a good step forward for Cayo.
Google maps puts Cayos' new Rome, NY location at 47 Minutes from Syracuse, NY.

Other interesting Cayo related posts: Haunterview: Cayo Industrial Horror Realm
For more info about Cayo, check out the Scarycuse listing here:
Happy Haunting!