2019 Scarycuse Haunted Attraction Awards
After paying a visit to as many attractions as we could this year, we've ranked the top 3 Haunted Attractions in the category of Haunted House, and Haunted Hayrides.
Scarycuse staff and Secret Shoppers have seen it all! Attractions that go all out, attractions that phone it in, attractions with elaborate technology underpinning well-times scares, and attractions that rely on good 'ol fashioned static props to get the job done. We love them all! There isn't a visit to a haunted attraction that we don't enjoy. It stings when you spend hard-earned money and the experience is less than stellar, or you walk away rolling your eyes. We've been there, and that's precisely why we want to share our experiences with you! That said, we've changed our system a bit. Rather than just recognizing the #1 pick, we're recognizing the Top 3. Some of these were very close. We considered many factors, from entry fee, to parking, ticketing & queue-line efficiency... But most importantly, SCARES. If the scares are there, we look right past nearly everything else.
Regarding our coveted Rust-Encrusted Ghoul... Unfortunately our supplier has proven to be unreliable, at best. While we can appreciate what goes into creating such a cool piece, we waited patiently many months, and then were delayed again. It's unfair to everyone. We're brainstorming something new for that, and hopefully next year we'll return to recognizing winners with a physical award to put on your mantle. You deserve it!
And now, without further ado...
The Official 2019 Scarycuse Haunted Attraction Award Winners....

The Top 3 Haunted Houses in CNY:
1. Frightmare Farms Haunted Scream Park - Palermo, NY ($100 Free Advertising Pkg for 2020)
2. Cayo Industrial Horror Realm, Rome, NY ($50 Free Advertising Pkg for 2020)
3. CMC's Haunted House, Cicero, NY ($20 Free Advertising Pkg for 2020)
The Top 3 Haunted Hayrides in CNY:
1. Demon Acres - Hannibal, NY,
Palermo, NY ($100 Free Advertising Pkg for 2020)
2. Cayo Industrial Horror Realm - Rome, NY ($50 Free Advertising Pkg for 2020)
3. CMC's Haunted House - Cicero, NY ($20 Free Advertising Pkg for 2020)