August Summer Scream 2017 at Frightmare Farms

Once again Frightmare Farms expands their off-season offerings.
August 5, 2017, Frightmare Farms Haunted Scream Park in Palermo, NY will open their doors for a "lights out" event.
Their event in June sold out fast, and I'd expect August to be no exception.
From the Frightmare Farms Facebook Event page:
SUMMER SCREAM 2017 was a huge sucess - we are RETURNING for ONE more exclusive summer event on August 5th 2017! This time...the trail comes alive for one summer night only! Our June event SOLD OUT almost immediately, DON'T WAIT TO BOOK! "Back by popular demand - Frightmare Farms Presents Summer Scream 2017! Have you ever wondered what lurks in the shadows at Frightmare Farms when it's not Halloween? Do you dare to enter the dark without knowing what's really inside? GET READY TO SCREAM! It's finally your chance to experience The Darkside experience at Frightmare Farms! TICKETS ARE LIMITED & SELLING FAST - Don't miss out!" ***SUMMER SCREAM EVENTS are designed to be instense! This includes lower lighting, ramped up scares and intense scenes. Because of this tickets are limited.
We had the opportunity to visit the FMF Summer event in 2016, and it was pretty great!
Checl them out on August 5th! For mroe info and tickets, visit