Raven Haven Rises from the Ashes

Aug. 31, 2015
After a tragic fire put a sad early-end to their 2014 season (News Story), is Raven Haven going to be open this year?
We asked Diane Sleiertin, What's next for Raven Haven?
So we are DEFINITELY open again this year! We will be open October 16-17 from 7pm until we close, October 23-24 from 7pm until we close, Oct 30 from 7pm until we close.
Halloween Night will be Special - Raven Haven will be open early to let the kiddies come before heading out to trick or treat. The gates will open at 5pm and the gates will CLOSE at 8pm with the intention of Raven Haven being closed by 9:30 - to allow for a very special occasion - a Halloween wedding!!!
That's great to hear! Any notable changes? Is the walkthrough similar in size to previous years?
Yes, it will be. We are having some challenges from the Town Zoning guy - but we will overcome that - even if we have to open with a tent again this year and move forward. It will have a new design, of course, and we will continue to have the yard displays be child/family friendly.
What are the zoning issues? I'm assuming they're requiring new fire safety measures?
No, actually nothing to do with that. We are implementing those on our own. They required some new paperwork even though they had existing records on file. Small things "jump thru hoops, dot every I, cross every T" type of issues.
I gotcha. Well it's great to hear you guys will be picking right up where you left off. Will be sure to spread the word as well.
Fantastic, thank you! It is too much of a family passion to let it go. We will be "promoting" it as our "Rise from the Ashes" tour! The "demon of Raven Haven" (Scott) and the Spider Mistress (Diana) will be getting married on Halloween night. (A private party)
Best of luck to Raven Haven!